IBM tries to react to this situation with the PS/2 series, but it's too late. Unfortunately the choose of the open architecture open the market to many others companies, some are new and some others are companies forced by the requests to convert their production. IBM had planned to sell 500 thousand PCs in 5 years, the budget will be reached at the end of the second year. godine, a brzo ga je zamijenio IBM Convertible, samo otprilike dvije godine nakon svog prvijenca. But perhaps the most important thing that caused the IBM PC's success is his open architecture, so the hardware supplier can immediately products any kind of add on. The IBM prijenosno osobno raunalo 5155 model 68 je rano prijenosno raunalo koje je IBM razvio nakon uspjeha Compaq Portable-a veliine kovega.
#5155 model 68 transdata Pc#
With PC appears on the market the first personal computer based on a 16 bit CPU, and the first computer with a separated keyboard. The IBM PC is the first IBM product that is not entirely product by IBM itself. Strangely nobody has registered this name, that is commonly used to identify the new computer class borned with the Altair 8080. The 1981 is another historical date for IBM, the august 12 IBM announces the Personal Computer.

During this period IBM reach an invoiced of other 7 bilions. In 1937 Thomas Watson jr starts to work in IBM, in 1952 he become the new president until 1971. But it is only in 1924 that the president of CTRC, Thomas Watson sr, decide to use this name for all the CTRC's comanies. In 1917 CTRC open a a branch in Canada with the name "International Business Machine Company Ltd". In 1896 Hollerith found the "Tabulating Machine Company" that become in 1911 "Computing Tabulating Machine Company". The card has a dimension of 187 x 83 mm, that is the dimension of the dollar of the time, in this way he can use the wood box already widely available in the country to place them. The Hollerith's machine can read punched card, this is his great idea.

With the Hollerith's machine the 1890 census results will be available by only two years, in spite a population growth from 50 to 63 milions. He wants to help his country with the 1890 census problem, in fact the 1880 census' results appears only in 1887. Everything starts in 1890 with a machine built by Herman Hollerith.